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Presentation of the Congress Sponsorship Award

The World Congress is the annual highlight of the busy AIPPI year. Members from all over the world meet at changing locations around the globe, e.g. 2022 in San Francisco or 2023 in Istanbul. For many of our members, participation is a matter of course. However, the high cost of travelling poses a challenge for our young members in particular.

In recognition of the particularly dedicated work of our young members, we launched our Congress Sponsorship Award in 2023. The prize is awarded each year to young members of our national group who have shown a conspicuous level of commitment. The prize is linked to participation in the World Congress and is endowed with EUR 3,000.

If you would like to apply for the congress sponsorship award, please take an active part in working on the questions or contribute to the German national group in some other way. We look forward to your participation!